Embrace your inner outlier


The undercurrent of our work centers the Weird. Read more on our philosophy in the About section, and browse through rings and other items in the LABELS Series section of the shop.

plant magic

Read more about how we developed a relationship with plants in the Origin Story section, and click the button below to explore the offerings that come from our garden.

Weirdo Wagon Blog

Project Weirdo Wagon began in 2019 as a collaboration between myself and my father, Randy. Upon finishing graduate school Pops gifted me with the promise of a new tiny home: one that we would build together on the chassis of an old Chevy Shasta RV. The literally straight-forward building project became analogous to the symbolic restructuring of our relationship, and the process is actively strengthening our bond.

Using all of our free time to plan, strategize, and implement a creative vision together feels something like getting a PhD in ancestral healing! Follow along as we figure out a way to work together in creating a new home and foundation built on trust, communication, and mutual respect over on the blog page!

Watch a time lapse of us wiring the batteries here, and see more photos and videos of progress in the Weirdo Wagon Blog section!

A Gift of Light

Candles are mesmerizing. Their flame offers a warm illumination that is innately comforting.

Full Desert Weirdo’s hand-poured, slow-burning soy wax candles can symbolize a celebration, soothe your senses, honor a ceremony, or accent your favorite ritual space.

Customize yours with photos and choose which plants to add!

ring sizing

Our hands are the most frequently used tools we have and they are consistently changing based on hydration, diet, and the time of day. Learn how to size yourself!

Custom corner

Check out Full Desert Weirdo’s custom clothing and wallets, or contact us about customizing your own garments with hand stitching and personalized embroidery.

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