About Brittany

Brittany Cole: Silversmith & Professional Weirdo

Born and raised in the “Silver State”, my relationship with this precious metal is divinely matched and alchemical.

I enjoy making all kinds of inspired and sacred adornments, and am passionately attached to creating pieces that have a philanthropic mission or component of activism to them in some way. Prior to learning silversmith work, my education and field experience have been spent in clinical, educational, and home environments with children on the autism spectrum and their families. I have collective experience in program and policy development from state programs to nonprofit agencies, primarily focusing in autism advocacy, behavior analysis, and special education.

Coming from a large and unusual family of many origins, it has always been evident how intersectionality and unique learning needs impact accessibility and personal development. My intrinsic occupational motivations are rooted in my environmental experiences growing up in Las Vegas, and by my paternal grandmother whose caregiving expertise and healing instincts as a foster parent have always been a personal gold standard.

I completed my graduate program in Education and Clinical studies at UNLV in 2019. In addition to my history in education and policy development, I currently own and operate Full Desert Weirdo: a small silversmith business that focuses on creativity, healing, and social justice. After years serving Nevada families under many roles, I am currently interested in expanding my skill set to other creative communities pursuing non-traditional education and social transformation.

My occupational history and life experiences have led me to acceptance and admiration of my own idiosyncrasies and ultimately, in fully embracing a philosophy of being your own brand of WEIRD. I believe in using one’s unique skill set to serve others and the planet in meaningful ways. I believe in being authentically atypical, embracing our inner outlier, and in bringing one’s specialties into service to create necessary social changes for our communities.

I went Full Desert Weirdo, and I’m never going back to basic.