Swap Space

let’s talk trading.

Bartering and trading are part of our human story, despite the ways we have been conditioned by western consumerism. We are social beings that are inclined to cooperate and collectively problem-solve in order to share resources. Historically, we have a lot of experience doing exactly that. Direct egalitarian exchanges have been around much longer than indirect commerce. THE SWAP SPACE is here to support goals that return us to direct relationships with people and their skill sets: builders, artists, musicians, farmers, radical educators, elders, medicine makers, healers, and craftspeople. What do you make or sell that you’d like to trade with? What services do you provide in the community? How can we collaborate?

Money is the current global standard and we all need it to survive. Commerce is not capitalism though, which means we are at choice in how we engage in buying and selling with one another. We can shift to more collaborative methods that decenter these principles, it doesn’t have to be in a way that upholds scarcity and extraction.

Use this form to initiate a conversation about trading goods or services with Full Desert Weirdo, and together we can center the environment, ethics, equity, inclusion, diversity, craftsmanship, & community over human-centered, exploitative consumerism and capitalism.