Captain’s chair and Dinette Removal


Demolition began here! In the final semester of grad school after committing to the project with my Pops, I took my new keys and decided it was time to meet the Wagon. I unlocked the door and went inside with trepidation knowing right away that it was time to just dive in and get to work. None of this was for keeping. Layers of dust and years of grime were waiting to be released. I snapped a few photos and went to fetch a crowbar from the garage. After unscrewing the table portion, it felt somewhat intuitive to look for the access points of where the dinette bench structures were attached. In this case the best way to pull everything apart seemed to be the tube trim detailing the benches. I started pulling it and was able to see the seams of where the furniture was screwed in (or more likely, stapled) together. Most of the product was tick-tacked together using wafer-board, laminate, and staples, so it all went surprisingly fast and easy. This was my first experience with how flimsy the typical manufacturing of RV fabrication is, so as a result I think my impression of myself was inflated. I hadn’t expected it to be so easy and naturally felt very accomplished…until reaching the end of the day and not being able to remove the bolts for the copilot chair stand. I was able to remove the seat by loosening the screws under the seat but the bolts in the floor were S T U C K to the post. It’s evident that this will be a long journey but still, not a bad first day.


Kitchen Sink & Counter removal


Appliances pre-installation