Lavender Honey


Honey infused with Lavender Blossoms and steeped in the sun.

Locally sourced clover honey and lavender flowers sourced from Herbally Grounded apothecary in Las Vegas, NV.

4 oz. reusable glass jar with black opaque lid.

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Honey infused with Lavender Blossoms and steeped in the sun.

Locally sourced clover honey and lavender flowers sourced from Herbally Grounded apothecary in Las Vegas, NV.

4 oz. reusable glass jar with black opaque lid.

Honey infused with Lavender Blossoms and steeped in the sun.

Locally sourced clover honey and lavender flowers sourced from Herbally Grounded apothecary in Las Vegas, NV.

4 oz. reusable glass jar with black opaque lid.

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