Water Tank Installation
In order to have my full-sized (or Brittany-sized) tub, I had to be able to fill it. I also knew I wanted enough water on board to wash clothes, cook & clean with, and to drink. We talked about weight distribution and decided that we would weld in some steel supports for the 99-gallon tank that we bought. We also purchased a new pump that met the specs for the pressure that the washer needed, and two filters: A reverse osmosis one for drinking, and A two-stage charcoal carbon one for everything else. This job took awhile. We had to demo the existing space (see the time-lapse below of me ripping out subfloor), and weld in the bottom supports with a trapezoid “strong back” structure adjoined in the wall to ensure the weight wouldn’t bend the frame. I am so proud of my dad for all the welding work, it turned out feeling super secure and I can’t wait to use the plumbing. After this we will install the hot water heater and finish the plumbing throughout the rig.